Vistvæn sérsniðin lúxus kertasett gjafapakkningar

Eco-Friendly Luxury Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes for Your Brand

The product displayed in the image is a perfect example of high-quality, eco-friendly Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes. Designed for both aesthetics and functionality, these boxes are crafted from coated recycled paper materials, making them environmentally friendly. The packaging features vibrant CMYK printing with matte lamination for a refined finish. Its foldable structure allows for easy assembly, while the custom design ensures that it complements the unique branding of any candle set. The box’s structure is sturdy enough to protect delicate candle jars, ensuring safe transportation and an enhanced unboxing experience for customers. With customizable size, color, and logo options, this product is ideal for businesses looking to create a memorable packaging solution that aligns with their brand values.

Key Features of Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes

1. Sustainable Materials

Okkar Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes are made from recycled coated paper, making them an eco-friendly choice. The use of sustainable materials not only minimizes environmental impact but also enhances the appeal of your brand to environmentally conscious customers.

2. Customizable Design

These packaging boxes are designed to be fully customizable, allowing businesses to tailor the size, color, and branding to their specific needs. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or vibrant patterns, our customization options cater to all preferences.

3. Sturdy and Protective

The boxes are lined with durable paperboard to provide excellent protection for candle sets. This ensures that even fragile glass jars remain safe during storage and transit, making these boxes both practical and appealing.

4. High-Quality Finishing

Featuring a variety of finishing options, such as matte lamination, embossing, gold foil, and UV coating, these boxes exude luxury. The refined surface enhances the unboxing experience, leaving a lasting impression on customers.

5. Easy Assembly

With a foldable design, these boxes are easy to assemble, saving time and reducing storage space during transportation. The practicality of the design ensures convenience without compromising on elegance.

Benefits of Using Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes

1. Elevate Your Brand

Well-designed Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes serve as an extension of your brand. They enhance the perceived value of your products, making them more attractive to customers. The professional look of these boxes ensures your products stand out on the shelves.

2. Eco-Friendly Appeal

Incorporating recycled materials into the design highlights your commitment to sustainability. This resonates with eco-conscious consumers, helping to build trust and loyalty towards your brand.

3. Versatile Usage

While these boxes are perfect for candles, their adaptable design makes them suitable for other products, such as cosmetics, small gifts, or luxury items. Their versatility ensures maximum utility across various industries.

4. Custom Branding

The ability to add your logo and brand colors ensures that your packaging communicates your brand identity effectively. Custom branding enhances customer recall and creates a strong brand association.

Applications of Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes

The versatility of Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes makes them suitable for a range of applications, such as:

  • Luxury candle set packaging for retail and gifting purposes.
  • Corporate gifts with a premium look and feel.
  • Special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and festive seasons.
  • Promotional packaging for seasonal candle collections.

Why Choose Us for Custom Packaging?

1. Expertise in Customization

We specialize in creating packaging solutions tailored to your brand’s unique requirements. From concept to delivery, our team works closely with you to bring your vision to life.

2. Háþróuð tækni

Our state-of-the-art equipment ensures precise printing and vibrant colors. With advanced techniques like embossing and UV coating, we create stunning packaging that meets your high standards.

3. Eco-Friendly Commitment

As a sustainable packaging manufacturer, we prioritize using recyclable materials and eco-friendly processes. Our Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes not only look great but also align with global environmental goals.

4. Samkeppnishæf verðlagning

We offer premium packaging solutions at competitive prices, making luxury accessible to businesses of all sizes. Bulk orders benefit from additional cost savings without compromising on quality.

Upplýsingar um pökkun og afhendingu

Each box is packaged flat to optimize storage and reduce shipping costs. Custom packaging details, including branding and dimensions, are handled with care to ensure they meet client specifications. With a production capacity of over 500,000 units per month, we can accommodate large-scale orders. Delivery times range from 3 to 7 working days, ensuring your packaging is ready when you need it.

Order Your Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes Today

Invest in high-quality, sustainable Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes to elevate your brand and create a memorable customer experience. Our eco-friendly designs, premium finishes, and customization options provide the perfect solution for your packaging needs. Contact us today to start designing your custom boxes and make a lasting impression on your customers.


With their eco-friendly materials, luxurious finishes, and customizable designs, our Candle Set Gift Packaging Boxes are the ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their product presentation. By choosing our packaging solutions, you not only elevate your brand but also contribute to a sustainable future. Let us help you create packaging that speaks volumes about your product’s quality and your brand’s values.

Um okkur

Við erum nútímaleg verksmiðja til að leggja saman kassa sem hefur skuldbundið sig til sjálfbærrar þróunar, staðsett í iðnaðarmiðstöð Shenzhen, með meira en 20 ára reynslu af iðnaði. Verksmiðjan er búin háþróuðum sjálfvirkum framleiðslulínum, þar á meðal Kodak CTP vélum, þýskum Heidelberg fjögurra lita og átta lita prentvélum, japönskum Komori fjögurra lita og fimm lita prentvélum o.fl. Framleiðslugeta okkar er meira en 50 milljónir brjóta saman kassa á ári, sem getur mætt þörfum stórpantana. Það eru meira en 200 mjög hæfir starfsmenn í verksmiðjunni, þar á meðal tæknimenn, gæðaeftirlitssérfræðingar og hönnuðir, sem vinna saman að því að tryggja stöðuga umbætur á gæðum vöru og nýsköpun. Verksmiðjan okkar starfar nákvæmlega í samræmi við alþjóðlega gæðastaðla og hefur fengið ISO 9001 og ISO 14001 vottun. Það hefur náð stöðlun og kerfissetningu grænrar framleiðslu.

Þegar þú velur okkur færðu ekki bara hágæða lausn fyrir samanbrotna umbúðakassa – þú ert í samstarfi við teymi sem hefur skuldbundið sig til að styðja við vöxt og velgengni vörumerkisins þíns.


Það sem viðskiptavinir okkar segja

Finndu út hvers vegna viðskiptavinir elska vörur okkar og þjónustu

Algengar spurningar

Við krefjumst upplýsinga eins og stærð, efni, uppbyggingu kassa/poka, lit, yfirborðsáferð og magn. Venjulega gerum við tilboð innan eins virkra dags. Fyrir brýnar beiðnir getum við vitnað innan tveggja klukkustunda eftir að hafa fengið allar nauðsynlegar upplýsingar.

Já, við erum með faglegt teymi sem getur aðstoðað þig við hönnunaraðlögun þér að kostnaðarlausu. Við tökum við hönnunarskrám á AI, PDF, CDR, PSD eða EPS sniðum.

Já, við bjóðum upp á ókeypis sýnishorn. Sýnaframleiðsla tekur venjulega 1 ~ 2 daga, með 1 ~ 3 dögum til viðbótar fyrir sendingu.

Já, sýnishornsgjaldið er venjulega endurgreitt þegar þú staðfestir magnpöntun. Fyrir sérstök tilvik, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við sölufulltrúa þinn.

  • Afhendingarskilmálar: FOB, CIF, EXW, DDU.
  • Samþykktir gjaldmiðlar: USD, EUR, AUD, RMB.

100–500 stykki: 3 virkir dagar eftir staðfestingu sýnis.
501–20.000 stykki: 5 virkir dagar eftir staðfestingu sýnis.
Yfir 20.000 stykki: 10 virkir dagar, fer eftir stærð og flókið.

Hefðbundnir greiðsluskilmálar okkar eru 50% innborgun og 50% jafnvægi fyrir afhendingu. Við tökum við greiðslum með millifærslu, kreditkorti, PayPal, Western Union og reiðufé.

Nei, allar vörur okkar eru sérsniðnar og verð eru mismunandi eftir forskriftum. Við tryggjum 3x bætur ef þú finnur lægra verð fyrir sama gæði

Ef vandamálið er af völdum okkar munum við strax sjá um skipti eða endurframleiðslu án aukakostnaðar. Að auki bjóðum við upp á myndir og myndbönd fyrir hvert framleiðslustig til að tryggja gæðasamþykki.

Afgreiðslutími er sveigjanlegur. Venjulega erum við 20% hraðari en aðrir. Ef þú ert með brýn pöntun skaltu ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur. 

Skrunaðu efst

fáðu tilboð okkar eftir 20 mínútur