Lífbrjótanlegt sturtugel Hvítt Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes

Eco-Friendly and Customizable Packaging for Your Shower Gel Products

The Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes offer the perfect solution for brands looking for eco-friendly and reliable packaging for their shower gel products. These high-quality kraft paper boxes are designed to provide durability while contributing to a cleaner environment. Made from biodegradable materials, they cater to the growing demand for sustainable packaging in the personal care industry. With their sleek, minimalist design and customizable features, these folding packaging boxes are an ideal choice for businesses aiming to offer premium, eco-conscious products to their customers.

Why Choose Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes?

Packaging plays a significant role in the personal care industry, especially for products like shower gels, which require both protection and appeal. The Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes not only provide an eco-friendly option but also ensure that your shower gel products stand out on shelves and in shipping. These boxes are designed for durability, making them perfect for both retail and shipping purposes.

Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable Materials

One of the standout features of these packaging boxes is their eco-friendly design. Made from high-quality white kraft paper, these boxes are fully biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally without harming the environment. Choosing biodegradable packaging like these folding boxes aligns your brand with sustainability and appeals to environmentally-conscious consumers who are increasingly seeking products with minimal environmental impact.

Sturdy and Secure Protection for Your Shower Gel Products

Shower gel bottles require secure, reliable packaging to ensure they remain undamaged during transport and storage. The Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes offer excellent protection for your products. They are designed to withstand impacts and prevent your shower gel bottles from breaking, leaking, or getting damaged.

Ensures Safe Transit and Storage

These folding boxes provide the protection your shower gel products need while they are being shipped or stored. Their sturdy construction prevents damage caused by external factors such as pressure or moisture, ensuring that your products arrive at their destination in pristine condition. The robust packaging also helps minimize the risk of product returns due to damage, improving customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Customization Options to Reflect Your Brand’s Identity

Brand identity is critical in today’s competitive market. The Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes offer full customization options, allowing you to add your logo, product details, and unique designs. Customizing the packaging not only enhances the shelf appeal of your shower gel but also communicates your brand’s values and commitment to sustainability.

Design Flexibility for a Professional Look

These folding boxes provide ample space for customization, allowing you to showcase your logo, colors, and product information in an eye-catching and professional way. Whether you want a minimalist design or a more intricate, artistic pattern, the white kraft paper provides the perfect backdrop for a range of design options. A well-designed box can influence consumer purchasing decisions and reinforce your brand’s image.

Cost-Effective for Bulk Orders

For businesses looking to purchase packaging in large quantities, the Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes are a cost-effective solution. The price per unit decreases with bulk orders, making these boxes an affordable option for businesses of all sizes. Despite the competitive pricing, these boxes are made with high-quality materials that ensure durability and sustainability.

Save on Packaging Costs with Bulk Orders

Ordering these boxes in bulk can help reduce overall packaging costs for your business. The larger the order, the more you save on each box. Bulk ordering is a great way to streamline your packaging needs, especially if you have high-volume product lines. The cost-effective nature of these boxes allows you to invest in sustainable packaging without compromising on quality or budget.

Comprehensive Conclusion: The Ideal Solution for Your Shower Gel Packaging Needs

In conclusion, the Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes are the ideal packaging solution for businesses in the personal care industry. These boxes offer a perfect combination of sustainability, durability, and customization. With their strong protective qualities, eco-friendly materials, and design flexibility, they help ensure your shower gel products reach customers safely and with a strong brand presence. By choosing these folding packaging boxes, your business can meet consumer demand for sustainable products while delivering a high-quality, visually appealing packaging solution.

If you are looking to enhance your shower gel packaging with a sustainable, cost-effective, and customizable solution, the Biodegradable Shower Gel White Kraft Folding Packaging Paper Boxes are the perfect choice for you. Contact us today for more information about pricing, customization options, and bulk ordering, and take the first step towards environmentally-friendly packaging for your shower gel products.

Iðnaðarnotkun Personal Care
Pappírstegund White Kraft Paper
Eiginleiki Endurvinnanlegt
Tegund kassa Möppur
Meðhöndlun prentunar Matt lagskipting, lökkun, stimplun, upphleypt, gljáandi lagskipti, UV húðun, VANISHING, Gullpappír
Sérsniðin pöntun Samþykkja
Prentun CMYK 4 lita offsetprentun
Umbúðir Prepack
Notkun Personal Care Cleaners
Stærð Sérsniðin stærð samþykkt
Litur CMYK
Merki Viðunandi merki viðskiptavinarins
Brand Name Angelol
Service 24 Hour Online
Delivery Time 3-10 Days
Upplýsingar um umbúðir K=K Master Carton
Framboðsgeta 1.000.000 kassi/kassar á dag

Um okkur

Við erum nútímaleg verksmiðja til að leggja saman kassa sem hefur skuldbundið sig til sjálfbærrar þróunar, staðsett í iðnaðarmiðstöð Shenzhen, með meira en 20 ára reynslu af iðnaði. Verksmiðjan er búin háþróuðum sjálfvirkum framleiðslulínum, þar á meðal Kodak CTP vélum, þýskum Heidelberg fjögurra lita og átta lita prentvélum, japönskum Komori fjögurra lita og fimm lita prentvélum o.fl. Framleiðslugeta okkar er meira en 50 milljónir brjóta saman kassa á ári, sem getur mætt þörfum stórpantana. Það eru meira en 200 mjög hæfir starfsmenn í verksmiðjunni, þar á meðal tæknimenn, gæðaeftirlitssérfræðingar og hönnuðir, sem vinna saman að því að tryggja stöðuga umbætur á gæðum vöru og nýsköpun. Verksmiðjan okkar starfar nákvæmlega í samræmi við alþjóðlega gæðastaðla og hefur fengið ISO 9001 og ISO 14001 vottun. Það hefur náð stöðlun og kerfissetningu grænrar framleiðslu.

Þegar þú velur okkur færðu ekki bara hágæða lausn fyrir samanbrotna umbúðakassa – þú ert í samstarfi við teymi sem hefur skuldbundið sig til að styðja við vöxt og velgengni vörumerkisins þíns.


Það sem viðskiptavinir okkar segja

Finndu út hvers vegna viðskiptavinir elska vörur okkar og þjónustu

Algengar spurningar

Við krefjumst upplýsinga eins og stærð, efni, uppbyggingu kassa/poka, lit, yfirborðsáferð og magn. Venjulega gerum við tilboð innan eins virkra dags. Fyrir brýnar beiðnir getum við vitnað innan tveggja klukkustunda eftir að hafa fengið allar nauðsynlegar upplýsingar.

Já, við erum með faglegt teymi sem getur aðstoðað þig við hönnunaraðlögun þér að kostnaðarlausu. Við tökum við hönnunarskrám á AI, PDF, CDR, PSD eða EPS sniðum.

Já, við bjóðum upp á ókeypis sýnishorn. Sýnaframleiðsla tekur venjulega 1 ~ 2 daga, með 1 ~ 3 dögum til viðbótar fyrir sendingu.

Já, sýnishornsgjaldið er venjulega endurgreitt þegar þú staðfestir magnpöntun. Fyrir sérstök tilvik, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við sölufulltrúa þinn.

  • Afhendingarskilmálar: FOB, CIF, EXW, DDU.
  • Samþykktir gjaldmiðlar: USD, EUR, AUD, RMB.

100–500 stykki: 3 virkir dagar eftir staðfestingu sýnis.
501–20.000 stykki: 5 virkir dagar eftir staðfestingu sýnis.
Yfir 20.000 stykki: 10 virkir dagar, fer eftir stærð og flókið.

Hefðbundnir greiðsluskilmálar okkar eru 50% innborgun og 50% jafnvægi fyrir afhendingu. Við tökum við greiðslum með millifærslu, kreditkorti, PayPal, Western Union og reiðufé.

Nei, allar vörur okkar eru sérsniðnar og verð eru mismunandi eftir forskriftum. Við tryggjum 3x bætur ef þú finnur lægra verð fyrir sama gæði

Ef vandamálið er af völdum okkar munum við strax sjá um skipti eða endurframleiðslu án aukakostnaðar. Að auki bjóðum við upp á myndir og myndbönd fyrir hvert framleiðslustig til að tryggja gæðasamþykki.

Afgreiðslutími er sveigjanlegur. Venjulega erum við 20% hraðari en aðrir. Ef þú ert með brýn pöntun skaltu ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur. 

Skrunaðu efst

fáðu tilboð okkar eftir 20 mínútur