Vlastné logo Aromaterapia esenciálny olej skladacie tvrdé čierne darčekové krabičky

Vlastné logo Aromaterapia esenciálny olej skladacie tvrdé čierne darčekové krabičky

Elegance Meets Functionality in Aromatherapy Packaging

The Custom Logo Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes are a perfect blend of style, durability, and practicality, specifically designed to elevate the presentation of premium essential oils. These gift boxes offer an elegant solution for packaging aromatherapy products, ensuring that the contents are both beautifully presented and well-protected. With a minimalist yet luxurious design, they are an excellent choice for both personal and professional use.

The use of high-quality materials and customizable branding options makes these boxes ideal for essential oil brands looking to leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re showcasing individual oils or a curated set, these boxes provide an unmatched unboxing experience.

Luxurious Design and Customizable Features

The sleek black exterior of these Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes exudes sophistication and professionalism. The clean lines and smooth matte finish make the packaging visually appealing, while the interior design offers ample room for organizing and protecting essential oil bottles. The addition of custom logo options ensures that the boxes align perfectly with your brand identity, helping to enhance your product’s market appeal.

The boxes can be further customized with unique features such as foil stamping, embossing, or silk screen printing. This makes them a versatile option for promotional events, retail displays, and gifting purposes, allowing brands to create a memorable and premium packaging solution that reflects their ethos.

Durable and Protective Construction

One of the standout features of the Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes is their sturdy construction. Made from durable materials, these boxes are designed to protect delicate essential oil bottles from breakage and external damage. The hard-shell exterior ensures that the contents remain intact during transit and storage, while the secure folding mechanism keeps the box compact and easy to handle.

The interior compartments are thoughtfully designed to hold individual bottles securely, preventing unnecessary movement or spills. This not only safeguards the product but also enhances the overall presentation, making it easier for customers to explore the collection inside.

Innovative Folding Design

The folding mechanism of these gift boxes adds a layer of practicality and convenience. When not in use, the boxes can be stored flat, reducing storage space and shipping costs. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses that deal with bulk packaging, as it helps streamline logistics without compromising the quality of the packaging.

Despite their foldable nature, these boxes retain their rigidity and elegance when assembled, providing the perfect combination of flexibility and durability. The innovative design ensures that your packaging solution is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Perfect for Aromatherapy and Beyond

While primarily designed for aromatherapy products, these boxes are versatile enough to be used for other small luxury items such as perfumes, cosmetics, or artisanal goods. Their minimalist black design makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, catering to various industries and customer preferences.

The Custom Logo Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes are especially popular among brands that prioritize sustainability and aesthetics. By offering a reusable and recyclable packaging solution, these boxes appeal to eco-conscious consumers while maintaining a premium look and feel.

Zlepšenie zákazníckej skúsenosti

The unboxing experience is a critical touchpoint in the customer journey, and these gift boxes are designed to make it unforgettable. The luxurious appearance, coupled with the secure and thoughtful interior design, creates a sense of excitement and anticipation. Customers will appreciate the care and attention to detail that goes into presenting their favorite aromatherapy products in such an elegant package.

For businesses, this enhanced experience translates into higher customer satisfaction and increased brand loyalty. By choosing Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes, you’re not just offering a product; you’re creating an emotional connection with your customers.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness

As sustainability becomes a key concern for both businesses and consumers, these gift boxes offer an eco-friendly solution without compromising on quality or aesthetics. The use of recyclable materials and the reusability of the boxes make them an environmentally responsible choice.

By adopting these sustainable packaging solutions, brands can demonstrate their commitment to reducing environmental impact while still delivering a premium product experience. This not only enhances brand reputation but also aligns with the values of modern, eco-conscious consumers.


The Custom Logo Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes are the epitome of elegant and functional packaging. With their luxurious design, durable construction, and customizable features, they are an ideal choice for brands looking to elevate their aromatherapy products. The folding design and eco-friendly materials make these boxes a practical and sustainable option, appealing to both businesses and customers alike.

Whether you’re launching a new product line, hosting a promotional event, or simply looking for a premium packaging solution, these gift boxes deliver on all fronts. Choose Aromatherapy Essential Oil Folding Hard Black Gift Boxes to create a memorable and impactful unboxing experience that reflects the quality and care of your brand.

O nás

Sme moderná továreň na výrobu skladacích krabíc, ktorá sa zaviazala k trvalo udržateľnému rozvoju, ktorá sa nachádza v priemyselnom centre mesta Shenzhen s viac ako 20-ročnými skúsenosťami v tomto odvetví. Továreň je vybavená pokročilými automatizovanými výrobnými linkami, vrátane strojov Kodak CTP, nemeckých štvorfarebných a osemfarebných tlačových strojov Heidelberg, japonských štvorfarebných a päťfarebných tlačových strojov Komori atď. Naša výrobná kapacita je viac ako 50 miliónov skladacích strojov boxov ročne, čo môže uspokojiť potreby veľkých objednávok. V továrni je viac ako 200 vysokokvalifikovaných zamestnancov vrátane technikov, odborníkov na kontrolu kvality a dizajnérov, ktorí spolupracujú na zabezpečení neustáleho zlepšovania kvality výrobkov a inovácií. Naša továreň funguje prísne v súlade s medzinárodnými normami kvality a získala certifikáty ISO 9001 a ISO 14001. Dosiahla štandardizáciu a systematizáciu ekologickej výroby.

Keď sa rozhodnete pre nás, nezískate len vysokokvalitné riešenie skladacích obalov – ste partnerom tímu, ktorý je odhodlaný podporovať rast a úspech vašej značky.


Čo hovoria naši zákazníci

Zistite, prečo zákazníci milujú naše produkty a služby


Vyžadujeme detaily, ako je veľkosť, materiál, štruktúra krabice/sáčku, farba, povrchová úprava a množstvo. Cenovú ponuku zvyčajne poskytujeme do jedného pracovného dňa. V prípade naliehavých žiadostí môžeme citovať do dvoch hodín po obdržaní všetkých potrebných podrobností.

Áno, máme profesionálny tím, ktorý vám bezplatne pomôže s úpravami dizajnu. Prijímame dizajnové súbory vo formátoch AI, PDF, CDR, PSD alebo EPS.

Áno, ponúkame bezplatné vzorky. Výroba vzorky zvyčajne trvá 1 ~ 2 dni, s ďalšími 1 ~ 3 dňami na odoslanie.

Áno, poplatok za výber vzorky je zvyčajne vratný, keď potvrdíte hromadnú objednávku. V konkrétnych prípadoch kontaktujte svojho obchodného zástupcu.

  • Dodacie podmienky: FOB, CIF, EXW, DDU.
  • Akceptované meny: USD, EUR, AUD, RMB.

100–500 kusov: 3 pracovné dni po potvrdení vzorky.
501–20 000 kusov: 5 pracovných dní po potvrdení vzorky.
Viac ako 20 000 kusov: 10 pracovných dní v závislosti od veľkosti a zložitosti.

Naše štandardné platobné podmienky sú záloha 50% a zostatok 50% pred doručením. Prijímame platby prostredníctvom bankového prevodu, kreditnej karty, PayPal, Western Union a v hotovosti.

Nie, všetky naše produkty sú prispôsobené a ceny sa líšia v závislosti od špecifikácií. Garantujeme 3x kompenzáciu, ak nájdete nižšiu cenu za rovnakú kvalitu

Ak je problém spôsobený nami, okamžite zabezpečíme výmenu alebo opätovnú výrobu bez dodatočných nákladov. Okrem toho poskytujeme fotografie a videá pre každú fázu výroby, aby sme zaistili schválenie kvality.

Dodacia lehota je flexibilná. Zvyčajne sme 20% rýchlejší ako ostatní. Ak máte urgentnú objednávku, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. 

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